DONATE - NWPC CAlifornia
We are grateful for your contribution to help our mission.
The National Women’s Political Caucus of California Recruits, Trains, Endorses, and Contributes to the campaigns of NWPC Endorsed Candidates. In order to financially support these candidates, we need your support.
During these trying times, NWPC is working hard to ensure that we recruit and train more pro-choice women than ever before. Contribute today if you believe that:
Women deserve equal pay for equal work
Roe v. Wade should NEVER be overturned
Women deserve a seat at the table when making decisions that affect our lives.
Established in 2021 to honor NWPC’s 50th Anniversary, our Golden Circle Donors Program represents those committed at the highest levels financially to supporting our phenomenal womxn candidates.
In addition to helping rigorously vetted, Pro-Choice, Feminist womxn win their races, perks to becoming a Golden Circle Donor include:
NWPC CA swag, including an NWPC CA pin
Recognition on our website, in email publications, and at NWPC CA PAC events
Golden Circle Donor-only events with our electeds